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Material growth facilities

LPCVD hot-wall chamber
Deposition SiC nanothin film on to Si substrate
Large sale wafer up to 300-mm in diameter
Multiple wafer deposition in a single run
In situ dopant

Silicon oxide growth
Low temperature oxide deposition chamber (at 400C)
Wet thermal oxidation chamber (thermo oxide)
Fabrication facilities

Lithography instrumentation
Doubles-sided aligner
Mask-less aligner (MLA 150)
Spincoaters compatible with 6-inch wafer
Photoresist developing equipment

Wet/dry etching
ICP etcher (SiC/Si)
RIE (SiC, Si)
Fume hood for wet etching (KOH, TMAH, HNA)
Metal sputtering system
Thermal evaporator
Spin coater for soft materials (Polyimide, PDMS, SU8)
Laser machining
3D-printer for molding (PDMS, EcoFlex)
Vacuum oven
Characterization facilities
Material characterization
AFM (Park System)
Raman Spectroscopy (Renishaw)
Optical Microscope
Florescent microscope
Others (TEM,XRD) with CMM at UQ
Electrical characterization
Electron device parameter analyzer (Agilent A1500)
Keysight Multimeter
Keysight Oscilloscope
Function generators
Network Analyzer
Wire bonding machine
High temperature probe station
Mechanical characterization
Liner-motor stretcher
Tensile testing machines (Located at GC campus)
Temperature-controllable Linkam chamber
Air pressure setup
Laser Doppler Vibrometer
Syringe pumps (for microfluidics)

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